<strong>INTERNATIONAL DAY OF RURAL WOMEN<br>15 OCTOBER</strong><strong> </strong><strong></strong>
International Day of Rural Women is on October 15. This day is dedicated to the millions of women living in remote, rural places and celebrates the achievements and contributions of these women towards rural development and agriculture.
The call for Women’s Rights in Liberia
Increased agitation for inclusive governance, particularly for women, is sweeping through Africa and the world at large.
How the war in Syria is causingbig problems for children withdisabilities and their rights
Senegal takes a lead way on women legislators
Across Africa, Many Young Mothers Face Education Barriers
Africa Regional Programme: Civil Society Regional Reference Group convenes to agree on a<br>joint ro
Africa Regional Programme: Civil Society Regional Reference Group convenes to agree on ajoint roadmap for 2022 towards ending all forms of violence against women and girls inAfrica